
Welcome to the NOMAD documentation for the Schema developed for Computational Materials Scientists, where you can find information about how to use the NOMAD schema definition to store the data output by your simulations. This project contains all the information about the main base sections and their SubSections and Quantities relevant for simulations. We propose here a general schema which could then be used as a basis to build more specific schemas.

NOMAD is a free open-source data management platform for Materials Science which follows the F.A.I.R. (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles. This documentation page is a part of the more general NOMAD documentation, as well as on the usage of NOMAD base sections.

When designing the sections, we follow SOLID principles for object-oriented programming. And throughout this documentation, we will use UML diagrams, both in a simplified and in a detailed manner, to draw the schemas relationships.