
NOMAD is an open source project that warmly welcomes community projects, contributions, suggestions, bug fixes, and constructive feedback. The contributors to this documentation page are part of the FAIRmat Area C - Theory and Computations team.

You can reach us by different channels. You can send as directly an email to the main contributors list:

Name E-mail Topics Github profiles
Dr. Nathan Daelman DFT, Precision @ndaelman-hu
Dr. Bernadette Mohr MD, FF @Bernadette-Mohr
Dr. José M. Pizarro GW, DMFT, BSE @JosePizarro3
Dr. Joseph F. Rudzinski (Coordinator) General @JFRudzinski

Alternatively, you can also:

  • Open an issue in the Github project, and tag any of us.
  • Join the Discord channel and ask us there directly.
  • If you are included as a contributor in the Github project, you can open new discussions regarding a new data schema or modelling you want to see covered.